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Learn the facts on the Georgia 2020 election from Garland Favorito.  The numbers will STUN.

Hand Count Paper Ballots Click Here
There was definitely something rotten about the 2020 election in the Peach State, and the evidence is overwhelming. In fact, 60% of Georgians support an investigation in the form of a full forensic audit. So why are our elected officials trying to pull the wool over our eyes?  Take action NOW. Let our Governor and Legislators know you want an audit in Georgia!!  One click and you make a difference. CLICK HERE

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Here are more facts 

  • Video evidence of poll workers at State Farm Arena scanning ballots after it was announced work was done for the night. This includes footage of workers apparently scanning the same ballots multiple times. This suspicion was corroborated by VoterGA’s preliminary inspection of ballot images in Fulton County.


  • Sworn affidavits from poll workers attesting to stacks of suspicious ballots that felt and looked different from legitimate ballots.


  • As a result of an unconstitutional consent decree, the process for rejecting non-matching ballot signatures was so onerous as to be virtually impossible in the course of timely ballot processing.



  • A thorough report compiled by Matt Braynard and his team at Look Ahead America, providing specific, verifiable evidence of likely illegal ballots cast in the 2020 election. The projected number of illegal ballots well exceeds the margin of victory in Georgia.


  • 72% of drop box absentee ballots that were counted in DeKalb County were in violation of chain of custody requirements -- over 43,000 in total. This is almost FOUR TIMES the official margin of victory for Joe Biden in 2020.


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"But I thought we did 3 recounts in Georgia?"

You've likely heard from the mainstream news that there's no need to audit the 2020 election in Georgia, as there were 3 recounts.


Unfortunately, this logic quickly falls apart under scrutiny. If you count ten counterfeit $1 bills, how much money do you have? Zero dollars, of course, since the bills are not legitimate. The same applies to ballots that are illegal or fraudulent. No matter how many times you count them, the result will never be accurate.


On top of that, the first and third recounts were done via the highly dubious Dominion voting machines. Only recount #2 was done by hand tally, and ballot image analysis has shown this recount to be incredibly flawed and totally unreliable.


"Okay, but didn't the Secretary of State already do a statewide audit?"

The "Risk Limiting Audit" done by the Secretary of State wasn't really an audit at all -- it was simply a hand recount of ballots (the same flawed hand recount discussed above). Don't believe it? Read the official announcement from the Secretary of State website for yourself. They themselves describe it as simply a "full manual tally of all votes cast".


How can they still call this an "audit" if they didn't confirm that the votes were actually legal? Your guess is as good as ours.

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"I agree the 2020 election in Georgia smells fishy. So, what can I do?

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#1 Call or e-mail your state legislators

Let them know you want the Georgia legislature to begin a full, independent forensic audit -- as well as a canvass -- in suspect counties of Georgia. Find your Georgia state legislators here.


Encourage them to also publicly voice their support for an audit. Call Governor Kemp and ask him to do the same!

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#2 Donate

We are up against an establishment machine in the state of Georgia, and that means lots of legal expenses, advertising costs, etc. Every little bit helps. Click here to donate.

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#3 Spread the word

Provide friends and family with the objective facts concerning the 2020 election. And push the truth out on your social media!

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